I could feel the anxiety and stress build up due to the uncertainty of whether I would be able to make it to the gym or not.
My eyes continuously darted to the petrol light as I headed towards the city.
As I pulled up at the traffic lights about to turn left onto East Terrace, a thought popped into my mind.
Most people are running their finances month to month like a car with the petrol light screaming “FILL ME THE F*CK UP!”
What a stressful state to operate from.
Here’s how the cycle goes:
Payday – ahh relief, feeling good
Spend lavishly – feeling amazing!
*Checks bank balance mid way through the month* – “oh sh*t – am I going to make it through the month?”
Payday – ahh relief, time to celebrate!
It got me thinking.
How do you stop this cycle?
To help me think about this problem I drew out a simple diagram.