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Published on 3 Nov, 2023


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Today is the 100th edition of the newsletter!
That’s right, I’ve been writing this newsletter to you for 100 weeks in a row. 
To celebrate this milestone I have a special offer for you. 
Round 2 of the 21 Day ‘Fix your Finances’ Challenge kicks off on Wednesday the 8th of November. 
If you want to get back on top of your finances and finish off 2023 strong then I know this challenge is for you. 
The investment for this challenge is usually $47. 
However, if you join today I will give you $15 off as a thank you for being a loyal reader (and legend). 
Simply click this link and enter the coupon code ‘LEGEND’ at the checkout. 
Have you been to Bali before?
On Monday we got back from an incredible trip to Bali. It was Clifford’s first plane flight and our first international trip as a family. Cliffy travelled like an absolute champion. 
We were lucky enough to win this trip to Bali through the health and wellness company we’re affiliated with. They always over deliver and provide the WOW factor, and this trip was no exception.  
One of the things I loved most was the ‘give-back’ day.
We visited the ‘Yappenatim Orphanage’ in Gianyar Regency. This school gives an education to the orphaned children in Bali. We spent time with the children in the classrooms helping them with their English (and they taught me some Indonesian) and we helped them create a new play area and plant new trees.
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This is me with my new friends Rahmi, Elina, Selsa and Tia.
The Balinese children did not have much in ‘material’ possessions.
But what they lacked in material possessions they made up for in joy, happiness and gratitude. It was written all over their smiling faces. 
It was a great reminder that we don’t need much ‘stuff’ to be happy. 
In western society we have been trapped in the never-ending desire for more. Because we have been programmed to believe that more ‘stuff’ will make us happy.
But the truth is ‘happiness’ is an internal game.
Your happiness does not correlate to how wealthy you are or how much ‘stuff’ you own.
Yes, money can buy things to make our life more comfortable and give us more choice. 
But money cannot buy happiness. 
Happiness must be cultivated from within.
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So why were these Balinese kids with next to nothing so happy? 
I believe the Balinese culture and their spiritual practices have a lot to do with it.
After experiencing some of their spiritual practices and observing and talking to the locals during our trip about their spiritual beliefs, it became clear to me how their faith influences their happiness and kind nature. 
They respect nature.
They respect each other.
They respect everything.
Us westerners can learn a lot from the Balinese culture.

Big Love,


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Financial Habits Mentor & Host of the Podcast 'Money Mastery with Marshy.


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