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Published on 1 Dec, 2023
Have you heard of Sharon L. Lechter before?
I hadn’t either.
She is the co-author of the classic book series ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’.
Not only did Sharon co-author 14 books with Robert Kiyosaki, she now writes books for the ‘Napoleon Hill Foundation’
I recently listened to her being interviewed on a podcast where she spoke about the book she had co-written for the ‘Napoleon Hill Foundation’ called ‘Three Feet from Gold – Turn your Obstacles into Opportunities!’
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This book was inspired from the story in ‘Think and Grow Rich’ where a young man, R. U. Darby and his uncle were on a mission to make big profits from the mining gold-rush in Colorado. 
Luck would have it after weeks of digging the Darby’s hit the jackpot and discovered one of the richest ore veins in Colorado. So they invested in the equipment and machinery needed to continue drilling for their fortune. 
But after some ‘beginner’s luck’, they ran into a problem.
They lost sight of the vein of ore.
They kept drilling and drilling to try and relocate the vein, but they could not find it. 
After months of drilling and hard work they threw in the towel. 
They decided to ‘quit’ on their dream of making it big from the gold-rush. 
So they sold their equipment and machinery to a ‘junk man’ for a few hundred dollars. 
However, this ‘junk man’ was no ordinary fellow. He was smarter than he looked. He called in a mining engineer to investigate the drill site. 
The mining engineer determined that the vein of ore would be found just three feet from where the Darby’s had stopped drilling. 
And he was right! 
The Darby’s had failed because they had no experience with ‘fault lines’ and were not wise enough to seek expert advice.
And the ‘junk man’? 
Well, he went on to make millions!
Napoleon Hill writes:
“Before success comes to most people, they are sure to meet with much temporary defeat, and perhaps some failure. When faced with defeat the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit. That is exactly what the majority of people do.”
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On the weekend while Clifford was having a nap on me I had the audiobook ‘Three Feet from Gold’ playing in the background. 
I started to doze off, but something I heard caught my attention.
“The Success Equation.” 
A formula that anyone can use to help them find their own unique path in life to create success on their terms.
The Success Equation = ((P + T) x A x A) + F 
If you can identify what you’re passionate about (what you would do for free), combine it with your talents (what you’re good at), and make the right associations to help you then you have found the key ingredients to help you become successful.
BUT, this must be backed with the appropriate action and an unwavering faith in your mission. 
Have you discovered your success equation yet? 
If not, here is a little exercise to kick-start the process. 
Brainstorm a list of 10 things you’re passionate about, and 10 things you’re talented at. If you struggle with this list, then ask people who are close to you for some help.
Once you have your list, order them from 1 to 10. 1 being ‘most passionate or talented’ and 10 being ‘least passionate or talented’.
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The combination of what you are most passionate about and most talented at will show you where your purpose and future success may lie. 
If I use myself as an example, I’ve been able to combine my passions (personal finance and personal development) with my talents (money management, coaching and speaking) to create a business where I can be successful doing something I enjoy and I’m good at.


And you can do the same.

The next piece of the puzzle is aligning yourself with the right associations.
Associates can come in the form of an organisation, a community, a team, a mentor or a business partner. 
What I’ve found on my own journey is that when you follow your passions and talents the right associations eventually find you.
The final ingredient of the success equation is FAITH. 
Faith is believing in what can not yet be seen. 
Faith is backing yourself and your dream despite what others may think. 
Faith is not giving up on your dream despite copping setback after setback.
Because as the story I mentioned earlier reminds us, when you feel like giving up, you may only be three feet away from gold
“People doubt their beliefs, 
but believe in their doubts.
Believe in yourself, 
and the world will believe in you.”  
Big Love,

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