I woke up with my mum’s fingers in my mouth.
She was checking to see if I still had my teeth…
The night before I’d been out for a night with the lads.
I was a happy-go-lucky drunk. Getting sh*t-faced with my mates was one of the things I looked forward to most.
That night I drank wayyy too much (which was pretty standard).
I’d gotten myself into an absolute state.
After the pub closed, I was stumbling around the main street in Whyalla.
I was all by myself.
And that’s when I got KING HIT by some thug.
I was a scrawny little 18 year old at the time.
And the bloke who king hit me was in his late 20s. A big guy. A meathead.
It’s lucky I wasn’t killed.
Some of my mates saw the aftermath of what happened and rushed over to rescue me.
They got me back to my back room at my Mum’s house.
I don’t remember any of this.
All I remember is waking up with mum’s fingers probing in my mouth.
When I got up and looked in the mirror I looked like Peter Griffin. My whole face was swollen.
I couldn’t eat.
I had to drink out of a straw for weeks.
Sometimes life can throw an unexpected punch to your face
- A serious injury
- The loss of your job
- A cost of living crisis
It almost wipes you out.
Your confidence gets crushed.
You feel like you’ll never recover from this setback.
But the setback is the catalyst for your comeback.
So be grateful for where you are right now. Be grateful for the punch you took to the face. Because in the future you will look back at this moment with appreciation.
You will thank the thug that KING HIT you.
Because they were the catalyst to make you stronger.