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Published on 29 Sep, 2023

“My biggest challenge is earning more money than I currently receive.”

In today’s newsletter I will share with you three mindset shifts you must make if you want to earn more money. 
Let’s dive in. 

     1) GIVE more to get more

Have you ever found yourself saying any of these?
“That’s not a part of my job description.”
“I’ll do more when I’m paid more.”
“I don’t get paid enough to do that.”
I know I sure did back in the day. My attitude sucked. I had it all backwards. I wanted to earn more money but I wasn’t willing to do more than was expected. I didn’t understand how the laws of the Universe worked. I didn’t understand that giving came before receiving. 
I was selfish.
I was entitled.
It was all about me me me. 
Whether you’re a business owner or employee the same rule applies. 
If you go above and beyond. If you over-deliver on expectations. If you say YES to doing the extra work. Then you will be paid more. Givers GAIN. 
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     2) Add more VALUE 

I used to think that I got paid by the hour. That’s what my pay slip said after all. But the truth is I got paid for the VALUE I produced during the hours I was at work. 
It’s vital you understand the difference. 
Did you know you can get paid double, triple or even 10x your current hourly rate? 
By providing double, triple or 10x the VALUE you’re currently giving!
Do you know what activities in your role produce the most value to your employer or customers?
If you can find this out then you will know where to focus your efforts.
Book a call with your boss or customers and find this out.
Then double down your efforts on these activities.
Always remember Pareto’s Principle: 

80% of your results are produced from 20% of your efforts

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     3) BECOME more than you are 

Your income will only grow to the extent you grow yourself. 
One of my favourite quotes I have pinned to the corkboard in front of me is from Jim Rohn.

“To have more than you’ve got, BECOME more than you are.” 

When I realised this truth, I knew I could have anything I wanted. But I had to be willing to pay the price. There’s no such thing as a free lunch. 
If you want to receive more, then you must first BECOME more. 
Think of yourself like a container. You can only hold so much. Right now you are limited to the amount of income you can hold. But as you grow yourself, the size of your container grows. And this means you now have the capacity to hold more income. 
How do you become more and grow the size of your container?


  • Work on your attitude
  • Learn high-value skills
  • Set challenging goals for yourself
  • Work with a coach, mentor or guide
  • Create a plan for your personal development
  • Spend time with people who are playing a bigger game than you
And always remember, YOU are your greatest asset. 
You are the golden goose.
If you focus on becoming a little bit better each and every day then you will be blown away by how much you (and your income) can grow.   
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The problem isn’t earning more than you are. It’s becoming more than you are. When you focus on growing yourself, developing your skill set and adding more value to your workplace or customers then your income will grow as a by-product.
Here are three action steps you can take today to grow yourself and your income:
  1. Create a plan for your personal development
  2. Ask your employer/customers what is most valuable to them
  3. Start focusing your efforts based on what you find out from step two

Big Love,


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Financial Habits Mentor & Host of the Podcast 'Money Mastery with Marshy.


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