On Monday the 27th of January 2025, at 12:20am – my Nanna passed away peacefully. My Mum was by her side. She was 87. Throughout her life she’d suffered many illnesses. It was a miracle she got this far. Last Tuesday, Mum called me to say Nanna made the decision to stop taking her medication and transition into palliative care (optimising quality of life in terminally ill patients). My Mum, (who is a stoic woman) was visibly upset. Nanna had been on a cocktail of medication for a long time, combatting her kidney disease and many other ailments. But now she was ready to let nature run its course. A brave decision. As I sat across from her, looking deep into her eyes, into her soul – I couldn’t help but wonder what must have been going through her mind. Although her body had failed her, her mind was still healthy. My wife Kaci was in the room with new life growing in her belly. Soon to come into the world. And on the bed laid Nanna. Nearing the end of her life. Such a contrast. As I sat on the bed holding Nanna’s hand, my curiosity got the better of me. “Nanna, what are your fondest memories?” She softly replied, “My children, grand-children and great grand-children.” “Knowing what you now know, having lived your life – what wisdom can you share with me?” She simply said, “Be happy.” |