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Published on 12 Jan, 2024
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” — Carl Jung
Do you love learning about yourself?
I know I sure do.
Whether it’s learning about my origins, understanding my Human Design or doing a personality test – I find it fascinating gaining new insights into what makes me tick. 
In today’s newsletter I will share a money coaching model with you that will help you learn more about yourself and your relationship with money. 
The 8 Money Archetypes 
Deborah L. Price, the founder and CEO of the ‘Money Coaching Institute’ and author of ‘The Heart of Money’ and ‘Money Magic’ developed this model to help her clients understand their patterns and behaviours when it comes to money.  
Having an understanding of your dominant money archetype can help you gain awareness about where you are right now in regards to your finances.
It’s important to understand that your archetype IS NOT set in stone. 
You will be a combination of multiple archetypes, however there will be one or two that are dominant in your life right now. 
Once you know your current archetype and you have an understanding of the characteristics of the other money types, you can consciously make changes in your beliefs and behaviours to change your dominant archetype.  
The Innocent
When it comes to finances, the Innocent type bury their head in the sand like an ostrich. 
They live in denial of their financial responsibilities and feel overwhelmed by financial information. They rely on the advice and opinions of others for all their financial decisions.  
Innocents are childlike when it comes to money. They are financially dependent on others and want to be taken care of. They seek safety and security.
“The Innocent’s goal is safety at all costs, and they often have a fear of abandonment.” 
The Victim
The Victim does not take responsibility for their finances. They blame external factors for their lack of financial success and have every excuse in the book. 
Often, the Victim has experienced pain and suffering in the past, but they have not yet dealt with their pain causing them to remain ‘stuck’ in their story. They become addicted to their story.  
The Victim is always looking for someone to rescue them from their problems, and they feel entitled to compensation for the suffering they’ve experienced in their life. 
“For the Victim’s paradigm to shift, he or she must learn how to understand and heal past wounds.” 
The Warrior
The Warriors mission is to conquer the world of finances. They are seen as successful in their business and financial pursuits. 
The Warriors are decisive, focused and in control of their finances. They are willing to seek counsel from experts to help them on their quest, yet they always make their own decisions. 
Warriors see making money and becoming financially successful as a game.
“We all need a healthy Warrior inside of us. The Warrior is the archetype of action and is generally the archetype we want to call on to make things happen in our career and financial life.” 
The Martyr
The Martyr is self-sacrificing and unconsciously attached to their own suffering. They always put the needs of others before themselves. They use their financial resources to rescue others. 
Their generous and helpful gestures can often come with strings attached – which means they can end up feeling let down or resentful towards those they help if their uncommunicated expectations are not met. 
“Martyrs who are willing to do their own spiritual work to heal their wounds have the capacity to become gifted healers and powerful manifestors.” 
The Fool
The Fool is a gambler and adventurous by nature. They can be a fun person to be around because of their happy-go-lucky and optimistic personality. However, they are always looking for shortcuts and financial windfalls which can hurt them.  
Because they are risk-takers, they often end up winning because they are willing to take a chance. Even if they lose they can bounce back easily because of their optimistic outlook. 
The Fool carries some great qualities we can all use:
  • They live in the moment
  • They are detached from the outcome
  • They enjoy the pleasure of the pursuit rather than the outcome itself
Because of the Fools care-free and playful nature, they can attract money easily. Yet because of their lack of discipline and financial irresponsibility they end up losing money just as easily. 
“The Fool does possess some rather remarkable qualities that, if mastered, make him or her quite capable of becoming a money Magician.” 
The Creator / Artist
The Creator / Artist are the spiritual and creative types. They often find it challenging living in the material world and place little value in worldly things.
They often have a love/hate relationship with money – they love the freedom money can give them to pursue their creative and spiritual interests, but they hate having to sell themselves or their work in order to get the money. 
They often have a belief that money is bad or lacking in spirituality which means they can despise those who are wealthy and have a hard time receiving money.
“To stop the suffering from the tension they feel between the spiritual and material worlds, they must learn to embrace both worlds as part of their own duality.” 
The Tyrant
The Tyrant is what the media, movies and TV shows portray as someone who is financially successful. Because of this we have been programmed to believe money is bad. We don’t want to become like the Tyrant. 
The Tyrant craves power, dominance and control and will do whatever it takes to win. They use their financial resources to control and manipulate people, events and circumstances to serve their own self-interest. 
Although they are rich in the material sense and have all their financial needs taken care of, they never feel complete or at peace. They suffer from “not being enough” and fear losing control and power.  
“Throughout history, the Tyrant has emerged as the ruler who dominates and destroys with no sign of remorse. Today, Tyrant’s can be found among the political leaders, businesspeople, and family figureheads who use whatever means necessary to win.” 
The Magician
The Magician is the ultimate money archetype. They know how to manifest their own financial reality. They are in touch with both their inner and outer worlds and understand the relationship between them. 
They operate from a state of faith, love and patience. They know what they want and they trust they will receive all they desire without trying to control the outcome or how it will happen. 
The Magicians have discovered their purpose in life and are living in alignment with their highest intentions and tapping into their full potential.  
“Magicians embrace the inner life as the place of spiritual  wealth and the outer life as the expression of enlightenment in the material world.”
Which Money Archetype are you?
If you want to dive deeper into this topic and discover your Money Archetype then you’re invited to come along to a webinar I’m co-hosting on Tuesday the 23rd of January at 7:30pm with my friend and fellow money coach Lauren Lee. 
The investment for this webinar is $29. 
We will be unpacking:
  • The 8 Money Archetypes in detail
  • Discovering YOUR Money Archetype
  • How these money patterns and behaviours show up in your life and relationship
Click the image below to register for the webinar. 👇
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Big Love,

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