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Published on 19 Jul, 2024
“The 80/20 principle says that if we doubled our time on the top 20 percent of activities, we could work a two-day week and achieve 60 percent more than now.” ~ Richard Koch
Do you ever feel like you’re working hard in your business but you don’t have the results to show for it? 
It feels frustrating doesn’t it?
You’re putting in the hours. 
You’re doing the work. 
But your bank account is looking rather sad…
You start to think you’re not good at what you do.
But is this true?
Deep down you know it’s not. 
You’ve just been spending too much time focusing on the wrong activities.
In today’s newsletter I will share a simple framework that will help you focus on the right activities in your business. This will result in more leads, more customers and more money in your bank account.
Let’s dive in.
When I was studying at The Coaching Institute I learned a simple model that can be used to analyse how you’re spending your time in your business.
This tends to be a massive slap in the face for most new business people.  
Image item
It’s called the ‘CORE IMPROVE INNOVATE’ model. 
70% of your time should be spent on CORE activities
Core activities lead to more revenue in your business. 
Because let’s face it, if you don’t have money flowing in then you don’t have a business. You have a hobby. 
Core activities look like this:
  • Networking – building relationships with people
  • Marketing – promoting your business
  • Sales – Helping people solve problems with your offering
  • Service – delivering on your promise
20% of of your time should be spent on IMPROVEMENT activities
Improvement activities are education based activities that help you improve your knowledge and skill set.
Activities such as,
  • Studying a book
  • Learning a new skill
  • Attending a seminar
  • Working with a coach
Ideally, these education activities will help you improve your core activities – so you can bring in more revenue. 
10% of your time should be spent on INNOVATION activities
Innovation activities are where you bring new ideas to life. These ideas have the potential to bring new revenue into your business or improve your business in some other aspect.
For example,
  • Starting a podcast
  • Creating a new product
  • Building a new marketing system
In time, your innovations could become your CORE revenue streams!
But it’s important to keep the main thing the main thing while you bring new ideas to life.
So here’s the major problem I’ve seen time and time again with new business owners…
Most new business owners spend the majority of their time on improvement and innovation activities and neglect their core
This results in you feeling you’re working hard and making progress, but in reality you’re getting nowhere fast. 
Why do so many business owners fall into this trap?
  1. Core activities are often the most terrifying
  2. Core activities are often repetitive and boring
  3. Shiny objects are more fun to chase
Core activities require you to talk with other people and face rejection. This is one of the biggest fears emerging entrepreneurs must face and overcome. 
Studying (improvement) or working on a new idea (innovation) are easy in comparison to core activities – because there’s no risk (other than the fact you will remain broke and struggling). 
Core activities can be repetitive and boring – which means it’s easy to get distracted by shiny objects like a new book to read or a new tool to learn. 
Sound familiar?
What percentage of your time are you focused on CORE activities that bring in revenue?
After you’ve read this newsletter, review your week and categorise the activities you’ve engaged in as either ‘core’, ‘improvement’ or ‘innovation’.
This will give you immediate feedback to help you shift your focus back to what matters.
If you need some help getting back to CORE activities then I’ve got something coming up next week that will help you get back on track.
In my community I’m running a 7-Day ‘Increase your Income’ Challenge – it’s been designed to help emerging entrepreneurs build income producing habits that will result in more leads, more customers and more money in your bank account. 

Let me know what your biggest takeaway was from this newsletter.

Have a great day,

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Financial Habits Mentor & Host of the Podcast 'Money Mastery with Marshy.


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