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Published on 21 Jul, 2023
Published on 21 Jul, 2023
Today I will teach you my three step goal setting process I used to 10X my income. 
Step 1: Identity your most important goal
Step 2: Craft your goal statement
Step 3: Write down your goal statement every morning
By the end of this Newsletter you will have a simple process you can use to create your own powerful goal statement so you can achieve your most important financial goal.
Let’s dive in. 
I never used to take goal setting seriously. 
That was until I read this study conducted by David Kohl, professor emeritus at Virginia Tech on goal setting from Jack Canfield’s book ‘The Success Principles’.
“80% of Americans report that they don’t have goals. Some 16% say they do have goals, but they don’t write them down. Less than 4% take the time to write down their goals, and less than 1% review them regularly. This small percentage of Americans, who write down their goals and review them regularly, earn 9 times more over the course of their lifetimes, than those who don’t set goals.”
It’s fair to say that last sentence grabbed my attention and has stuck with me ever since.
I am now a religious goal setter. 
If you want to be a part of the 1% who earns 9 times more than keep on reading.
Last year on the 12th of May I set myself a Wildly Important Goal (WIG).
I wrote in my diary for the first time:
“I am so happy and grateful now that I am earning $20,000 or more per month from multiple sources of income.” 
I had no idea how this was going to happen. 
In May 2022 I only earned $2,441.29 from my business… 
$20,000 was a 10X jump from where I was at the time!
But the HOW was not important. The only thing that mattered was it was something I really wanted. 
I started writing that goal in my diary every single morning. Because I understood one of the great secrets of life. 
‘You become what you think about’
Over the next 12+ months my goal evolved into this statement: 
“I, Daniel George Marshall, am so happy and grateful now that I am attracting and graciously receiving $20,000 or more per month for giving outstanding value and service as a world class coach, speaker and network marketer. All my customers and clients are experiencing life changing results and are raving about my products and service. I am having so much fun and I am bringing playful energy to my mission. I am thriving with more responsibility and I am handling success with grace and a smile on my face. I am unleashing my dark side and I am showing up as the mother f***ing Money King!” 
HOW you write your goal is important. 
Because your language will create your reality.  
And on Friday the 30th of June 2023, I finally achieved my goal!
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Now let’s walk through the three steps to help you create your own powerful goal statement so you can achieve your most important financial goal.
Step 1: Identity your most important goal
I’ve made the mistake of having too many goals in the past. 
When I had too many goals I didn’t achieve any of them. 
It took me a long time to learn the lesson of focus
Because if you try to catch two rabbits at once, you won’t catch either…
Begin by writing down a list of at least 10 financial goals you want to achieve.
Now order these from most important to least important. 
Generally what you will find is that by focusing on your most important goal, all the rest will be achieved as a by-product.
The next step is to write down WHY your goal is important for you to achieve. 
Because without a clear WHY, you will give up at the first roadblock or obstacle. 
For me, the $20,000 per month represented the amount of money I would need to earn to allow Kaci to be a full-time Mum and raise our children. This would give her the choice to go back to work when and if she wanted to. This was my WHY. 
Step 2: Craft your goal statement
Now you’re clear on your most important goal, it’s time to craft your goal statement.
You will do this using the BE + GIVE = HAVE formula. 
This is my own variation on the BE DO HAVE model which means if you want to HAVE more, you first must BE more and DO more. 
As Jim Rohn says – “If you want to have more than you’ve got, become more than you are.”
Most goals only focus on the HAVE part of the equation.
“I want to earn $10,000 per month”
“I want to have a million dollar share portfolio”
“I want to own my own my dream home” 
These goal statements are all focused on the end result and leave out the most crucial components:
  1. Your BEING which is who you are and how you show up
  2. What you will GIVE in exchange for your goal
Always remember, money is the by-product of VALUE and SERVICE
In your goal statement you will incorporate all three parts of the BE + GIVE = HAVE formula.
  1. What do you want to HAVE? (your most important goal)
  2. What will GIVE in exchange for your goal (through value and service)?
  3. Who will you need to BE to achieve your goal (what character attributes will you need to embody)?
Let’s break my goal down into the BE + GIVE = HAVE so you can see what it looks like:



  • $20,000 or more per month
  • All my customers and clients are experiencing life changing results and are raving about my products and services
  • giving outstanding value and service as a world class coach, speaker and network marketer
  • I am having so much fun and I am bringing playful energy to my mission
  • I am thriving with more responsibility and I am handling success with grace and a smile on my face.
  • I am unleashing my dark side and I am showing up as the mother f***ing Money King!
Now it’s your turn.
Break your most important goal down into the BE + DO = HAVE components. 
And then turn it into a powerful statement beginning with:
“I, [insert name], am so happy and grateful now that…” – thanks to Bob Proctor for this opening.
When you read your statement out loud you want it to light you up. If it doesn’t give you that feeling, keep working on it. You must be emotionally involved in your goal.
And remember, your goal statement will evolve over time. Just like mine did.


When I’m working with my 1:1 clients I help them unpack their most important goal and build their statement. We then do a powerful role play exercise to help them embody their goal. It’s a truly powerful exercise. If you want 1:1 support with your goal then book in a call with me

Step 3: Write down your goal statement every morning 
Now that you have your powerful goal statement, you must write it in your diary every morning. 
Think of yourself as a computer. When you are writing your goal each day you are writing lines of code to reprogram yourself. 
It takes time and repetition for the new code to become your new operating system. That’s why it’s important to write it down every day. 
And remember, ‘you become what you think about’.
Each time you write down your goal, you are becoming your goal.
You are now armed with the goal setting process I used to 10X my income.
If you are serious about achieving your most important goal then make sure you follow these steps:
  1. Identity your most important financial goal
  2. Craft your own powerful goal statement
  3. Write down your goal statement every morning
If you want me to review your goal statement and give you some feedback then send your goal statement to
Big Love,
P.S. 14 legends have already joined the 21 Day ‘Business Breakthrough’ 👊Challenge. Click this link to join today. 

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Financial Habits Mentor & Host of the Podcast 'Money Mastery with Marshy.


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