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Published on 26 May, 2023

The cost of living has been going up. 

Rent and house repayments have been going through the roof. 

It’s getting harder and harder to save! 

Over the past few months I’ve had lots of conversations with people on social media and I’ve found there are common problems you’ve been experiencing when it comes to managing your money:

👉 You’re struggling to save with the increased cost of living

👉 You don’t know where your money is disappearing 

👉 You don’t know how to track your money

👉 You’re struggling to manage your personal and business cash flow

👉 You’re overspending and wasting money on things you don’t need

Have you been experiencing any of this yourself? 


If you have been then I’ve got your back. 👊

I’ve created something that will help you get back on track with your finances without breaking the bank.


The 21 Day ‘Fix your Finances’ Challenge 🎯 

This challenge has been designed to help you:

✅Bring greater awareness around your spending habits

✅Learn how to track your income and expenses 

✅Build great financial habits that will set you up for long term success. 

James Clear, the author of the best-selling book ‘Atomic Habits’ said that:

“Your outcomes are lagging measures of your habits. Your net worth is a lagging measure of your financial habits.”

There’s a reason why my 1:1 financial coaching clients increase their net worth significantly whilst working with me.

It’s because I help them build winning financial habits. 🏆

In the 21 Day ‘Fix your Finances’ Challenge I will help you build some of the same financial habits that I help my 1:1 clients build. 

And my 1:1 clients pay me $1,000’s of dollars to work with me!

But for the seriously low cost of $21 you can get a taste of what it’s like to work with me. 

Now this challenge isn’t only for people who are struggling financially…

This challenge is for ANYONE who wants to get back on top of their finances no matter how good you already think you are. 😏 

Hell, even I will be doing this challenge myself!

Because last month I broke one of the golden rules of finance…

I spent WAYYY more than I earned!

And I consider myself to be a MASTER at managing my money.

Now I know with absolute certainty that if you commit to this challenge and do the daily actions then you will experience great results.

22 people have already joined the challenge which will be kicking off on Monday the 5th of June.

Click the image below to join today.  

Big Love,

P.S. Check out the latest success story of one of my amazing 1:1 clients who increased his Net Worth by $120,000+ since working with me.


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Financial Habits Mentor & Host of the Podcast 'Money Mastery with Marshy.


  • Find the leaks in your money buckets
  • Reprogram your mind for financial success
  • Live Group Coaching + Community to help you on your journey

'Money Mastery with Marshy' Membership

  • Instant Access to an Online Portal Of Content so you can start improving your financial skills right away
  • ‘Money Management with Marshy’ -  a 9-Step process to help you manage your money with ease & grow your Net Worth to $1 million +
  • Live Fortnightly Q&A  Calls to unpack modules and get support 

1:1 Coaching 

  • For Conscious Business Owners who are doing $100k - $500k Revenue Per Year
  • Fix the leaks in your business & personal finances so you can save more and make more profits!
  • Limited availability - book a call with me to see if I can help you win